Reclamation scheme interface

General information about the interface used to implement all the reclamation schemes.

The implementation of the reclamation schemes is based on an adapted version of the interface proposed by Robison [Rob13], which defines the following fundamental abstractions:

  • A marked_ptr allows one or more low-order bits to be borrowed (many lock-free algorithms rely on such mark tricks).
  • A concurrent_ptr acts like an atomic marked_ptr, i.e., it supports atomic operations.
  • A guard_ptr is an object that can atomically take a snapshot of the value of a concurrent_ptr and if the target has not yet been deleted, guarantees that the target will not be deleted as long as the guard_ptr holds a pointer to it.

It is important to note that only guard_ptr references protect against deletion. In effect, a concurrent_ptr is a "weak" pointer and a guard_ptr is a "shared ownership" pointer, conceptually similar to std::weak_ptr and std::shared_ptr with the following key differences:

  • concurrent_ptr and guard_ptr are abstract interfaces (a.k.a. "concepts"), not concrete interfaces.
  • They support a snapshot operation that is conceptually similar to the std::weak_ptr::lock() method.
  • A std::weak_ptr can indicate whether it has "expired", i.e., its target was deleted. A concurrent_ptr gives no such indication even if, as it can in some cases, points to freed memory.

A reclaimer type R has to define the following abstractions:

  • R::concurrent_ptr<T>: acts like an atomic markable pointer to objects of type T and provides an interface that is compatible with that of std::atomic. The class T must be derived from enable_concurrent_ptr.
  • R::enable_concurrent_ptr<T, N, D>: defines a mandatory base class for targets of concurrent_ptr; T is the derived class, N is the number of mark bits supported, which defaults to zero, and D is the deleter type that should be used for all objects of type T.
  • R::region_guard: allows some reclamation schemes to amortize the overhead; this is explained in more detail in region_guard.

The intent of enable_concurrent_ptr<T, N, D> is to provide implementers of reclaimers with two things:

  • A way to force the alignment of targets, which is a common way to provide mark bits in the pointers.
  • A place to embed reclaimer state, such as reference counts, in the user's objects.

The class concurrent_ptr<T> provides two auxiliary types:

  • concurrent_ptr<T>::marked_ptr : Acts like a pointer, but has N mark bits, where N is specified by the base class enable_concurrent_ptr<T, N> of T.
  • concurrent_ptr<T>::guard_ptr : Similar to a marked_ptr, but has shared ownership of its target if the target has not been deleted.

To obtain a snapshot from concurrent_ptr and populate a guard_ptr the acquire and acquire_if_equal methods can be used. In wait-free algorithms, acquire may be problematic with some schemes like hazard_pointer or lock_free_ref_count, because it may have to loop indefinitely. For these cases acquire_if_equal can be used, as it simply stops trying if the value in variable p does not match the provided value in variable m and reports whether it was successful or not.

Releasing a guard_ptr follows the standard smart pointer interface. For a guard_ptr instance g, the operation g.reset releases ownership and sets g to nullptr; the destructor of guard_ptr implicitly calls reset.

In order to release a node, the reclaim method on a guard_ptr has to be called. This operation also resets the guard_ptr.

Here is an example of these types and how they are used:

// Let's assume we have a type "Reclaimer" that implements this interface.
// Forward declaration of our node struct so we can use it in the following aliases.
struct node;
// Define a number of aliases for simpler code.
using concurrent_ptr = typename Reclaimer::template concurrent_ptr<node, 0>;
using marked_ptr = typename concurrent_ptr::marked_ptr;
using guard_ptr = typename concurrent_ptr::guard_ptr;
// We want to use our node with concurrent_ptr, so we have to derive
// it from enable_concurrent_ptr.
struct node : Reclaimer::template enable_concurrent_ptr<node> {};
// Let's create a new node and store it in some publicly available concurrent_ptr.
marked_ptr new_node = new node();
concurrent_ptr cp;
// Acquire a guard to the node referenced by cp.
// This will protect the node from getting reclaimed as long as the guard_ptr exists.
guard_ptr guard;
// Mark the node for reclamation. This will reset the guard_ptr and ensure that the
// node gets reclaimed once it is safe.


Every reclaimer must define a class enable_concurrent_pointer that is used as mandatory base class for targets of concurrent_ptr. This base class does not only define the number_of_mark_bits and an alias for the Deleter for internal use in the reclaimer, but also allows to enforce alignment of instances or to store additional information like a reference counter. The minimal definition of such a class looks like this:

template <
class T,
std::size_t N = 0,
class DeleterT = std::default_delete<T>>
struct enable_concurrent_ptr
static constexpr std::size_t number_of_mark_bits = N;
using Deleter = DeleterT;

enable_concurrent_pointer is a class template with the following template parameters:

  • T - is the derived class (this is an application of the curiously recurring template pattern).
  • N - is the number of mark bits that a marked_ptr must reserve when used with this class; this parameter defaults to zero.
  • DeleterT - is the deleter functor that shall be applied once an object can safely be reclaimed.

The class must define a member number_of_mark_bits that is set to N and a type alias Deleter. In the original proposal the Deleter was not a parameter of enable_concurrent_ptr but of concurrent_ptr. However, all implemented reclamation schemes except LFRC collect the to-be-reclaimed nodes in some list in order to defer reclamation until a later time when it is safe to do so. Such a list can contain arbitrary nodes from different data structures, potentially using different deleters. The information which deleter shall be used must therefore be stored together with the node. But if this information is not already part of the node itself, it would require an additional memory allocation to store this information, even in cases where the deleter itself has no data members like std::default_deleter. In order to avoid this additional memory allocation, the Deleter parameter is part of the enabled_concurrent_ptr class, which allows to embed Deleter instances directly in the node. For this the internal helper class deletable_object comes into play.


deletable_object is an internal helper class that is used by most of the reclamation schemes as the common base class for enable_concurrent_ptr.

struct deletable_object
virtual void delete_self() = 0;
deletable_object* next = nullptr;
virtual ~deletable_object() = default;

The next pointer is used to build the single-linked list of to-be-reclaimed nodes. The pure virtual delete_self method is required because such lists contain only pointers to deletable_object instances, but the Deleter expects an instance of the derived type. Therefore, a derived class has to override delete_self and call the deleter with the appropriate parameter. To avoid duplication of this code for each reclamation scheme, there are two different base classes which again make use of the curiously recurring template pattern to down-cast to the correct derived type which is handed down as template parameter. The two different base classes are deletable_object_with_empty_deleter and deletable_object_with_non_empty_deleter. This distinction is necessary because the size of an empty class is not zero, but one. Unconditionally storing a deleter instance as member in the object would therefore produce an unnecessary memory overhead that can be avoided this way. Instead of using these classes directly, the alias deletable_object_impl is used to verify whether the given deleter is an empty class and resolves to the correct base class.

deletable_object_with_non_empty_deleter contains an aligned_storage as buffer for a Deleter instance. When a deleter is set using the set_deleter method the deleter instance is moved into the buffer. This allows the Deleter type to be non-default-constructible.

The template parameter Base defaults to deletable_object which should be fine for most of the cases. In case there are special requirements this parameter can be used to define a custom base class as long as it defines the same interface as deletable_object. This is used for example in the implementations of stamp_it and hazard_eras, because these schemes requires that the base class can store additional information for retired nodes.


Many lock-free algorithms rely on the ability to store special flags in a pointer. The marked_ptr class defines a high-level interface to a pointer of which a number of low-order bits can be borrowed to store additional information. The number of bits that shall be used can be defined via a template parameter.

template <class T, std::size_t N>
class marked_ptr {
// Construct a marked ptr
marked_ptr(T* p = nullptr, uintptr_t mark = 0) noexcept;
// Set to nullptr
void reset() noexcept;
// Get mark bits
uintptr_t mark() const noexcept;
// Get underlying pointer (with mark bits stripped off).
T* get() const noexcept;
// True if get() != nullptr || mark() != 0
explicit operator bool() const noexcept;
// Get pointer with mark bits stripped off.
T* operator->() const noexcept;
// Get reference to target of pointer.
T& operator*() const noexcept;
inline friend bool operator==(const marked_ptr& l, const marked_ptr& r);
inline friend bool operator!=(const marked_ptr& l, const marked_ptr& r);
static constexpr std::size_t number_of_mark_bits = N;

Runtime assertions ensure that the specified mark value does not use more bits than reserved, as well as that the pointer value does not occupy bits that are reserved for marking.


A concurrent_ptr is basically an atomic marked_ptr; its interface is compatible to that of std::atomic. In addition it defines aliases for the reclaimer's marked_ptr and guard_ptr types.

template <
class T,
std::size_t N,
template <class, std::size_t> class MarkedPtr,
template <class T2, class MarkedPtrT, class Deleter> class GuardPtr,
class DefaultDelete = std::default_delete<T>
class concurrent_ptr {
struct marked_ptr : MarkedPtr<T, N> {};
template <class D = DefaultDelete>
using guard_ptr = GuardPtr<T, marked_ptr, D>;
concurrent_ptr(const marked_ptr& p = marked_ptr()) noexcept : ptr(p) {}
concurrent_ptr(const concurrent_ptr&) = delete;
concurrent_ptr(concurrent_ptr&&) = delete;
concurrent_ptr& operator=(const concurrent_ptr&) = delete;
concurrent_ptr& operator=(concurrent_ptr&&) = delete;
// Atomic load that does not guard target from being reclaimed.
marked_ptr load(std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst) const;
// Atomic store.
void store(const marked_ptr& src,
std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst);
// Shorthand for store (src.get())
template <class D>
void store(const guard_ptr<D>& src,
std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst);
bool compare_exchange_weak(marked_ptr& expected, marked_ptr desired,
std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst);
bool compare_exchange_weak(marked_ptr& expected, marked_ptr desired,
std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
bool compare_exchange_weak(marked_ptr& expected, marked_ptr desired,
std::memory_order success, std::memory_order failure);
bool compare_exchange_weak(marked_ptr& expected, marked_ptr desired,
std::memory_order success, std::memory_order failure) volatile;
bool compare_exchange_strong(marked_ptr& expected, marked_ptr desired,
std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst);
bool compare_exchange_strong(marked_ptr& expected, marked_ptr desired,
std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst) volatile;
bool compare_exchange_strong(marked_ptr& expected, marked_ptr desired,
std::memory_order success, std::memory_order failure);
bool compare_exchange_strong(marked_ptr& expected, marked_ptr desired,
std::memory_order success, std::memory_order failure) volatile;


A guard_ptr is basically a marked_ptr that protects the object that it points to from being reclaimed. In that sense it is conceptually similar to a std::shared_ptr. In contrast to the other two pointer types, guard_ptr implementations are very specific to the concrete reclamation scheme.

template <class T>
class guard_ptr
using Deleter = typename T::Deleter;
guard_ptr() noexcept;
// Guard a marked ptr.
explicit guard_ptr(const marked_ptr& p);
guard_ptr(const guard_ptr& p);
guard_ptr(guard_ptr&& p) noexcept;
guard_ptr& operator=(const guard_ptr& p) noexcept;
guard_ptr& operator=(guard_ptr&& p) noexcept;
// Get underlying pointer
T* get() const noexcept;
// Get mark bits
uintptr_t mark() const noexcept;
// Support implicit conversion from guard_ptr to marked_ptr.
operator marked_ptr() const noexcept;
// True if get() != nullptr || mark() != 0
explicit operator bool() const noexcept;
// Get pointer with mark bits stripped off. Undefined if target has been reclaimed.
T* operator->() const noexcept;
// Get reference to target of pointer. Undefined if target has been reclaimed.
T& operator*() const noexcept;
// Swap two guards.
void swap(guard_ptr& g) noexcept;
// Atomically take snapshot of p, and *if* it points to unreclaimed object,
// acquire shared ownership of it.
void acquire(concurrent_ptr<T>& p,
std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst);
// Like acquire, but quit early if p != expected.
bool acquire_if_equal(concurrent_ptr<T>& p,
const marked_ptr& expected
std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst);
// Release ownership. Postcondition: get() == nullptr.
void reset() noexcept;
// Reset. Deleter d will be applied some time after all owners release their ownership.
void reclaim(Deleter d = Deleter()) noexcept;

A guard_ptr has to be acquired by the methods acquire or acquire_if_equal to ensure that the guard_ptr holds a safe reference that protects the object from being reclaimed. These methods take a snapshot of the value of a concurrent_ptr and store a safe reference to the object in the guard_ptr if the target has not yet been deleted.

For some implemenations like hazard_pointers, hazard_eras or lock_free_ref_count, acquire may has to loop indefinitely in order to acquire a safe reference, which can be problematic in wait-free algorithms. In these cases acquire_if_equal can be used as it simply stops trying if the value in p does not match a provided value m and reports whether it was successful or not.

Both methods, acquire and acquire_if_equal take an optional memory_order parameter that defines the order of the read operation on the concurrent_ptr object p. The default value is memory_order_seq_cst.

Releasing a guard_ptr follows the standard smart pointer interface; the operation g.reset releases ownership and sets g to nullptr, the destructor of guard_ptr implicitly calls reset.

The reclaim method resets the guard_ptr and marks the node for deletion.

One important limitation of guard_ptrs is that they must not be moved between threads, i.e., move construction or move assignment operations must not be used to transfer ownership of a guard_ptr from one thread to another. The reason for this simply is that these move operations are optimized based on the assumption that both, the target and the source operands, belong to the same thread. However, copy construction and copy assignment do not suffer from this limitation.


A region_guard is an additional concept that is not part of the proposal by Robison. However, some reclamation schemes like epoch_based, new_epoch_based or stamp_it use the concept of critical regions. In these schemes a guard_ptr can only exist inside a critical region, so unless the thread is already inside a critical region the guard_ptr automatically enters a new one. But entering and leaving critical regions are usually rather expensive operations, so region_guards allow to amortize this overhead. The constructor of a region_guard enters a new region (unless the thread is already inside one) and, if it was the last one, leaves the region in the destructor. Any guard_ptr instances that are created inside the scope of the region_guard can simply use the current critical region and save the overhead of entering a new one.

The region_guard class does not define any member functions, it only uses the RAII concept to leave the region upon destruction.

In order to provide a consistent interface every reclamation scheme has to define a region_guard class regardless of whether the scheme actually supports this concept. For reclamation schemes that do not support it, it is sufficient to define an empty region_guard class.