Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CabandonPolicy to configure the abandon strategy for generic_epoch_based reclamation
 Callocation_strategyPolicy to configure the allocation strategy
 CbackoffPolicy to configure the backoff strategy
 CbucketsPolicy to configure the number of buckets in harris_michael_hash_map
 CcapacityPolicy to configure the capacity of various containers
 CcomparePolicy to configure the comparison function
 CcontainerPolicy to configure the internal container type of some data structures
 Cdefault_to_weakPolicy to configure whether try_push/try_pop in vyukov_bounded_queue should default to try_push_weak/try_pop_weak
 Centries_per_nodePolicy to configure the number of entries per allocated node in ramalhete_queue
 ChashPolicy to configure the hash function
 Cinsert_paddingPolicy to configure whether to insert padding after the internal header for lock_free_ref_count reclamation
 Cmap_to_bucketPolicy to configure the function that maps the hash value to a bucket in harris_michael_hash_map
 Cmemoize_hashPolicy to configure whether the hash value should be stored and used during lookup operations in harris_michael_hash_map
 Cpadding_bytesPolicy to configure the number of padding bytes to add to each entry in kirsch_kfifo_queue and kirsch_bounded_kfifo_queue to reduce false sharing
 Cpop_retriesPolicy to configure the number of iterations to spin on a queue entry while waiting for a pending push operation to finish
 CreclaimerPolicy to configure the reclamation scheme to be used
 Cregion_extensionPolicy to configure the extension of critical regions in generic_epoch_based reclamation
 CscanPolicy to configure the scan strategy for generic_epoch_based reclamation
 Cscan_frequencyPolicy to configure the scan frequency for generic_epoch_based reclamation
 CslotsPolicy to configure the number of slots used in seqlock
 Cthread_local_free_list_sizePolicy to configure the size of thread-local free-lists for lock reclamation
 Cvalue_reclaimerPolicy to configure the reclaimer used for internally alloced nodes in vyukov_hash_map
 NabandonThis namespace contains various abandonment strategies to be used in the generic_epoch_based reclamation scheme
 CalwaysAlways abandon the remaining retired nodes when the thread leaves its critical region
 CneverNever abandon any nodes (except when the thread terminates)
 Cwhen_exceeds_thresholdAbandon the retired nodes upon leaving the critical region when the number of nodes exceeds the specified threshold
 Cconcurrent_ptrT must be derived from enable_concurrent_ptr<T>. D is a deleter
 Cdynamic_strategyHazard era allocation strategy for a dynamic number of hazard eras per thread
 Cstatic_strategyHazard era allocation strategy for a static number of hazard eras per thread
 Cdynamic_strategyHazard pointer allocation strategy for a dynamic number of hazard pointers per thread
 Cstatic_strategyHazard pointer allocation strategy for a static number of hazard pointers per thread
 NscanThis namespace contains various scan strategies to be used in the generic_epoch_based reclamation scheme
 Call_threadsScan all threads (default behaviour in EBR/NEBR)
 Cn_threadsScan N threads
 Cone_threadScan a single thread (default behaviour in DEBRA)
 Cbad_hazard_era_allocThis exception is thrown if a thread tries to allocate a new hazard era, but the number of available hazard eras is exhausted. This can only happen when xenium::reclamation::he_allocation::static_strategy is used
 Cbad_hazard_pointer_allocThis exception is thrown if a thread tries to allocate a new hazard pointer, but the number of available hazard pointers is exhausted. This can only happen when xenium::reclamation::hp_allocation::static_strategy is used
 Cgeneric_epoch_basedA generalized implementation of epoch based reclamation
 Chazard_erasAn implementation of the hazard eras scheme proposed by Ramalhete and Correia [RC17]
 Chazard_pointerAn implementation of the hazard pointers reclamation scheme as proposed by Michael [Mic04]
 Clock_free_ref_countAn implementation of the lock-free reference counting (LFRC) schemea as proposed by Valois [Val95, MS95]
 Cquiescent_state_basedQuiescent state based reclamation
 Caligned_objectA small helper class for correctly aligned dynamic allocations of over-aligned types
 Cchase_work_stealing_dequeA lock-free work stealing deque
 Charris_michael_hash_mapA generic lock-free hash-map
 CaccessorAn accessor to safely access the value of an element
 CiteratorA ForwardIterator to safely iterate the hash-map
 Charris_michael_list_based_setA lock-free container that contains a sorted set of unique objects of type Key
 CiteratorA ForwardIterator to safely iterate the list
 ChashSlim wrapper around std::hash with specialization for pointer types
 Chash< Key * >Specialized hash functor for pointer types to get rid of the alignment
 Ckirsch_bounded_kfifo_queueA bounded lock-free multi-producer/multi-consumer k-FIFO queue
 Ckirsch_kfifo_queueAn unbounded lock-free multi-producer/multi-consumer k-FIFO queue
 Cleft_rightGeneric implementation of the LeftRight algorithm proposed by Ramalhete and Correia [RC15]
 Cmanaged_ptrA helper struct to define that the lifetime of value objects of type T has to be managed by the specified reclaimer. (only supported by vyukov_hash_map)
 Cmarked_ptrA pointer with an embedded mark/tag value
 Cmichael_scott_queueAn unbounded generic lock-free multi-producer/multi-consumer FIFO queue
 Cnikolaev_bounded_queueA bounded lock-free multi-producer/multi-consumer queue
 Cnikolaev_queueAn unbounded lock-free multi-producer/multi-consumer queue
 Cno_backoffDummy backoff strategy that does nothing
 Cramalhete_queueA fast unbounded lock-free multi-producer/multi-consumer FIFO queue
 CseqlockAn implementation of the sequence lock (also often referred to as "sequential lock")
 Csingle_backoffSimple backoff strategy that always perfoms a single hardware_pause operation
 Cvyukov_bounded_queueA bounded generic multi-producer/multi-consumer FIFO queue
 Cvyukov_hash_mapA concurrent hash-map that uses fine-grained locking
 CiteratorA ForwardIterator to safely iterate vyukov_hash_map